... register and join us today!
RIN organizes regular Network Meetings (both live and virtual) for its members and invites. If you would like to join a meeting (without any obligations) and get to know the RIN family, then we welcome you to sign up and find out
In times like this, where international assignments are more complicated then ever, it is important to share with and learn from your business colleagues how to deal best with today's challenges.
Join the RIN Global Mobility Network
Welcome to the RIN Netherlands Chapter
The RIN Netherlands Chapter has been active ever since 1995 and serves participants from a variety of multinational companies and organizations.
RIN Netherlands organizes regular meetings, usually hosted by the participating companies, with interesting speakers about actual topics. Here you can meet with colleagues that share the same interests and face the same questions and challenges. Meetings where actual information can freely be shared without any commercial outsiders and interests. Since RIN is a non-commercial network the costs to participate are kept low and affordable.
Why not join an enthusiastic group of like-minded colleagues, to make life and your job a lot easier?
Sign up and become a participant in the Knowledge Network for the international corporate mobility manager.
Welkom bij het Nederlandse RIN Chapter
RIN Nederland is actief sinds 1995 en bestaat uit een gevarieerde groep van mobiliteits medewerkers van multinationale bedrijven en organisaties.
RIN Nederland organiseert regelmatig bijeenkomsten, veelal gehost door de deelnemende bedrijven, met interessante sprekers over actuele onderwerpen. Hier kun je kennismaken met collega's die dezelfde interesses delen en die geconfronteerd worden met dezelfde vragen en uitdagingen. Bijeenkomsten waar actuele informatie vrijelijk kan worden gedeeld zonder de aanwezigheid van commerciële buitenstaanders. Omdat RIN een niet-commerciëel netwerk is worden de kosten voor deelname laag en betaalbaar gehouden.
Sluit je aan bij een enthousiaste groep van gelijkgestemde collega's, om je job een stuk eenvoudiger te maken!
Neem deel in het Kennis Netwerk voor de internationale corporate mobility manager!
Why join?
RIN gives direct access to colleagues with the same business interests in your region and around the world. RIN provides you, at no cost, with a database of up-to-date practical information from experts in your profession. In short: RIN directly connects you with the world of International Mobility.
How to register?
If you are interested in participating in the RIN network you can sign-up right away. Alternatively, you can request an orientation visit to one of the RIN meetings by contacting RIN Netherlands.
Terms and conditions
Participation in the RIN network is exclusively reserved for employees of multinational companies and organizations, who are responsible for expatriate related matters.